Go with the Pros – From planning to post-concert load-out, our seasoned staff helps make things simple, eliminating stress and uncertainty through our ability to easily communicate complex technical details, like lighting specifications. Take advantage of our in-house ticketing system, E-Tix, with easy online ticket purchases.

More for Your Money – A lower “cost per seat” price tag means bigger profit potential for you. With advertisement on our 2 electric signs, website advertisement and social media posts.

Sized Perfectly – The Hippodrome Auditorium’s 6,000-seat size is perfectly suited for new acts on the rise or classic acts playing to small/mid-size audiences.

Location, Location, Location – Access right off of Highway 218 makes the Hippodrome easy to find and easy to get in and out of without hassle.

Plenty of Parking – Unlike some venues, on-site parking at the Hippodrome’s Auditorium is close and plentiful for concert and event attendees.